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THE SANTA CLAUS BOOK by Irene- Ed. Smith



Pub Date: Sept. 15th, 1948
Publisher: Franklin Watts

Here's a collection that has been needed to take care of the requests to parents and story tellers for ""more stories about Santa Claus"". Basically sound in selection, this includes legendary and semi-historical material, short stories, poetry, regional material, and so on. But somehow, it seems weak in organization, needing editorial pointing up, either as introduction to each classification, or footnoting the individual selections. Stress on national legends and observance, so that a feeling of the Santa Claus story in many lands (implicit in the contents, but not sharpened in final impression) -- indication that one section is more valuable used by adults with children, while others read well- or tell well-on their own merits, would help with inquiring parents. Possibly the order of includsion suggests this- but for quick interest, the first section would prove discouraging for children (and for some adults). Merchandisewise this is a honey. The jacket, stained edges, cellophane wrapping make it seem a readymade gift; the 20 spots and scattered small pictures are decorative and amusing. The editor knows the need, through her experience as head of children's work in the Brooklyn Public Library. It should sell.