The story of Captain Thomas H. Hines and the Confederate conspiracy that threatened revolution within the Union, is as...



The story of Captain Thomas H. Hines and the Confederate conspiracy that threatened revolution within the Union, is as exciting as the best spy fiction- and almost as unknown. With considerable reading along widely divergent lines relating to the Civil War, I found this virtually new material and fascinating. Hines was young, ardent, magnetic -- and master-minded the far flung conspiracy destined to link the Copperheads throughout the north, and to strike across the Canadian border, through what was then the northwest (Illinois, Indiana, Ohio), Vermont, Maine, and with John Hunt Morgan striking simultaneously, to seize vast areas for the Confederacy. This is a tale of successive attempts, destined to failure because of faint-hearted citizens, lack of military organization, betrayal on the part of some of the avaricious leaders. Some names emerge, in addition to Hines' own, which made history, and deserve a signal place,- Bennett Young, John Yates Beall, Colonel Grenfel, and others. Hines led a charmed life. The story of the escape from the Ohio Penitentiary deserves a place with the outstanding escape stories of World War II. And the author's own tireless pursuit of primary sources material substantiating his story is another detective tale in itself. This is not only a must for students of the Civil War, but first rate reading for anyone to whom true espionage appeals.

Pub Date: March 1, 1954


Page Count: -

Publisher: Crown

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: March 1, 1954

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