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BEHIND THESE WALLS by James R. Winning



Publisher: Macmillan

A very sensational and almost morbidly enthralling picture of prison life from the inside, the writer being a prisoner confined in a state penitentiary of the old school (unfortunately, not as yet extinct). Compare this with the book of kindred theme, reported on in the last issue of the Broadcast (PRISON DAYS AND NIGHTS, published by Little, Brown) and one feels that though this book has better sensational news value, that it is more personal in its attack, and that it deals with details of frightfulness, rather than with their psychological effect on the inmates. It suggests a similarity to the conditions described in ANN VICKERS, and for that very reason should be easy to sell. The other book is, however, more constructive,more thoughtful, more dispassionate. This is for the scandal monger; the other for the socially minded individual.