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USING MY WORD POWER by Janice S. Ellis


Advocating for a More Civilized Society

by Janice S. Ellis

Publisher: Manuscript

A veteran writer offers guidance for future advocacy journalists in this first installment of a nonfiction trilogy.

Dedicated “to those who believe that our words and actions matter in advancing a more civilized and better society,” this book is built on the principle that advocacy journalism is essential to a thriving democracy. With a doctorate in communication arts from the University of Wisconsin, Ellis has an expertise in the field that includes solid academic underpinnings and four decades of experience as an advocacy journalist whose commentary and writings have appeared on radio and blogs and in newspapers. Teaching by example, the book mostly reprints articles that provide readers not only with expert commentary on race relations from the perspective of a Black woman, but also models for neophyte writers. To Ellis, far too many of today’s advocacy journalists are willing to sacrifice facts and fairness for partisan propaganda and sensationalism. Alternately, the author implores readers to see advocacy journalism as “a plea” that entreats people “to think, to consider the facts, the circumstances, the workable solutions for the issues at hand, and when appropriate and necessary to engage in action.” More than just offering wisdom for today’s budding journalists, as a Black writer born in Mississippi who remembers “the humiliation” of segregation firsthand, Ellis gives readers of all vocations a sage voice. She blends solid research with well-reasoned arguments on issues that range from interracial marriage and gun control to Confederate statues and Native American mascots. Divided into two parts (“Humanity Dignity Respect” and “Commemorations”), the book offers concise articles and commentaries centered on the overarching theme of “Ethics and Values,” delivering “real” advocacy journalism. While the volume perhaps goes overboard in its inclusion of more than 70 articles published in other venues, the author is a master journalist who skillfully balances her passionate takes with objective facts and effectively deploys “the only real and lasting weapon” people have: their words.

A potent ode to the power of advocacy journalism.