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THE NEW EASTERN EUROPE: The Khrushchev Era and After by J.F. Brown

THE NEW EASTERN EUROPE: The Khrushchev Era and After


Publisher: Praeger

A compact text summarizes the impact of the Khrushchev regime on the satellite nations of Eastern Europe. The author reviews political developments (there were varying degrees of relaxation and liberalization under Khrushchev), industry and the national economy (reforms which would have their effect on the political future), agriculture (a flexibility needed here), cultural developments. The relations with Soviet Russia and the effect of the Sino-Soviet dispute are discussed, as are the nationalism of Albania and Romania, and the relations with the Western powers. The author sees the institutionalized Communist ideology as eroding. He does not permit himself much further prognostication. Appendices include lists of state and party officers, biographical sketches of party leaders and premiers, etc. A solid working book for the professional and the would-be better than average informed layman.