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ONE MORE STORY, TATA! by Julie Salamon


by Julie Salamon ; illustrated by Jill Weber

Pub Date: July 23rd, 2024
ISBN: 9781662651717
Publisher: Minerva/Astra Books for Young Readers

Fridays are special for a toddler named Ruby.

Every week, Mommy and Daddy take Ruby to visit her grandparents Papa and Yaya and her great-grandmother Tata. Ruby and Tata are alike in their determination to manage challenges, with Ruby struggling to snap the seat belt in her stroller and Tata working hard to use her walker to rise from her chair, both trying over and over until they succeed. Together, Ruby and Tata go for a walk around the neighborhood (with Yaya pushing Ruby in her stroller), nap in a shared room, and look at a box of family photos, which confuses and fascinates Ruby, who names herself as the small girl in every picture—a developmentally appropriate action for her age. But best of all are Tata’s many dream-inspired, magical stories about how she once rode atop a “blueberry bird,” how she danced on a table with her mother, and how she saw four beautiful flowers blooming in a field. Candles are lit for Shabbat dinner, Ruby makes a wish for more challah, and together they sing “Shabbat Shalom.” This multigenerational family expresses love, caring, and pride at nearly every moment, with Jewish traditions woven seamlessly throughout. Bright, digitally collaged illustrations perfectly mesh with the text and provide lovely details in the setting, action, and character reactions. Young readers will be delighted by Ruby and her special bond with Tata. Characters are light-skinned.

A wonderfully warm and tender tale.

(about Shabbat, about this story, Tata’s family tree) (Picture book. 3-8)