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From the Thorne Chronicles series, volume 2

by K. Eason

Pub Date: Sept. 14th, 2021
ISBN: 978-0-7564-1756-7
Publisher: DAW/Berkley

Rory Thorne is pulled back into the world of politics when she and her friends discover a terrifying weapon aboard an abandoned ship.

After the events of How Rory Thorne Destroyed the Multiverse (2019), Rory renounced her official title as princess and retreated into anonymity. These days, she and her two former bodyguards, Zhang and Thorsdottir, as well as Jaed Moss, who wants to escape his villainous father, work as privateers near a remote space station. When they investigate a broken-down warship that was posing as a simple delivery vessel before it was attacked, Thorsdottir is separated from the rest of the group and finds its top-secret cargo: a weapon capable of destroying entire biospheres. When a powerful, colonization-minded alien species shows up to collect the weapon, Rory has to figure out how to negotiate with them without starting a war or giving an aggressive alien military access to a superweapon. The political machinations laid out here seem to be setting the stage for Eason’s new series set in the same universe, which will be all well and good for those books but seems out of place as the conclusion to Rory Thorne’s duology. Eason’s narrative style is still engaging, as is Rory’s struggle to reconcile her personal objections to public life with her responsibility to use her position to save lives. But the book reads like it exists only to set up another series and lacks the creative use of fairy-tale tropes that made the first so memorable.

A sequel that has little to do with the story it purports to finish.