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END OF GRACE by Kelly Thomas Murphy


by Kelly Thomas Murphy

This fast-paced suspense thriller examines extortion and intrigue within the Mormon church.

The Disciples of Moroni are sending letters to every Mormon family who has just lost a loved one. These letters explain that Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon church, received four plates from the angel Moroni that he used to write the Book of Mormon. It was later learned that the devil disguised as Moroni deceived Smith by giving him a fourth plate full of “false beliefs and prophesies.” Before Moroni returned 21 years later to reveal the true plate, Smith had died, having based his church on false teachings. The Disciples want to rectify that falsehood by baptizing the souls of every Mormon who had died since 1838, allowing them to go to heaven. Grieving family members who’ve received the letters question their Mormon faith, and tithing to the church is down dramatically. Ted Williams, a Quorum of Twelve member, and his assistant Kay Summers learn that the letters are being sent by a Portland, Ore., publishing company, and aim to discover its true motive. M&A Publishing’s Rick Macey blames the Mormon church for losing the love of his life–his Disciples of Moroni letters are a strike against the religious institution. In order to stop the letters–and the bleeding of tithe money–the church agrees to pay off the Rick and his associate Clay. Behind the scenes, though, a Mormon vigilante group called the Danites is following Rick and Clay’s steps–even observing that Kay’s fallen for Rick and suspecting that she is involved in a plot to extort money from the church. Soon, all of their lives are in danger. Murphy does an excellent job of moving the narrative along and even throws in a few inventive twists toward the conclusion. Interesting characters and a captivating plot make the novel a pleasure to read.

Prime beach reading with a modern-day religious twist.