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THE ROAD TO THE WHITE HOUSE: FDR: The Pre Presidential Years by Lorena A. Hickok Kirkus Star

THE ROAD TO THE WHITE HOUSE: FDR: The Pre Presidential Years


Pub Date: Oct. 30th, 1962
Publisher: Chilton

A reporter's sure hand and lively style are applied to the biography of FDR spanning the years from his boyhood to the White House. Teeming with facts, this fascinating research effort not only traces the years and events in chronological order, but also provides an excellent portrait of the times in which he grew, the people who made the greatest impact on his life and the experiences that shaped his character. Thus the reader comes to understand the man within the broader context of history. His years at Groton, his entrance into politics as a rebel in conflict with Tammany, his marriage to Eleanor and the subsequent power struggle between his wife and mother, his appointment to the Navy Secretariat are events which lead headlong to the sudden shock of paralysis. FDR's struggle to overcome and adjust to his handicap parallels Eleanor's metamorphosis from subservience to independence. From personal to political victories until the eventual realization of Louis Howe's faith, this builds to still another climax, with insight. Miss Hickok brings the reader as close to her subject as possible.