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by Lucy London ; illustrated by Christa Pierce

Pub Date: Jan. 2nd, 2018
ISBN: 978-0-06-229747-1
Publisher: Harper/HarperCollins

Two triangular-faced felines tend a garden from start to finish.

First you need a patch of soft soil and lots of sun (a tiny worm friend sporting a black derby is also nice). Gather your tools and then choose the seeds. These two bipedal cats—one brown, one tan—choose carrots, lettuce, and “easy-peasy peas.” They are also considerate of other garden guests: bees like daisies, and blackbirds like sunflowers. Use these seeds as an invitation! This garden is open to all. Slip the seeds into the ground—“plook, plook, plook”—and give small showers from a watering can. The two feline friends even provide a saucer of water for bees, with tiny rocks so they don’t fall in. Simple details and thoughtful attention make this gentle garden flourish. The tender cats’ faces are pushed toward their ears, seemingly lifting their chins in endless positivity. Butterflies, birds, rabbits, and cats all feast together on their harvest. One spot of bother missing—which goes against the very nature of a peaceful garden but is still a very real part of the gardening process—is the presence of pests.

A lulling, calm breath of fresh air.

(Picture book. 3-6)