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Pub Date: March 15th, 1962
Publisher: Basic Books

This study has been made, over a period of ten years, by the members of the Society of Medical Psychoanalysts, and it is based on the data obtained from 106 male homoxesuals with a control group of male heterosexuals. In accordance with the large body of psychoanalytic opinion which assumes that homosexuality is psychopathologic, they have tried to indicate the ""variables that have the most probable relevance"". These seem to be, according to the evidence acquired through this study, that homosexuality is established in the earliest years due to binding maternal behavior- an overproductive, seductive mother and an absentee, detached, hostile or rejecting father. They have examined other family relationships; clearly indicate that constitutional factors do not account for social deviance- he was not ""born that way""; and they have explored various aspeccts of adolescent experience, homoerotic practices, latest homosexuality. While earlier investigations, from Freud on down, have not considered that treatment has produced anything but minimal results, they have reached optimistic and promising conclusions through therapy (better than 25% have shifted to heterosexuality).... Extensive charts and case histories authenticate this research project and will authorize it for a professional market. It is not for the popular readership of The .