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ICE CYCLE by Maria Gianferrari


Poems About the Life of Ice

by Maria Gianferrari ; illustrated by Jieting Chen

Pub Date: Oct. 4th, 2022
ISBN: 978-1-72843-660-9
Publisher: Millbrook/Lerner

From hummocks and bummocks to frazil and floebergs, an introduction in poems and explanatory notes to ice’s many states and formations.

Gianferrari’s sonorous drifts of free verse are sometimes confusingly allusive on first reading—“Cat ice whorls / Swirl and twirl. / Brinicles sink, / Plume and bloom. // Pancake ice stacks / Smack and crack”—but make clearer sense after examining the illustrations and reading the extensive notes at the end. Readers who think ice in nature comes only in sheets, floating chunks, or icicles are in for an eye-opening experience as, in naturalistic vignettes and vistas, Chen depicts silky strands of hair ice around twigs and needle-thin spikes emerging from frozen ground; freezing seawater undergoing subtle color changes while crystallizing from “frazil” to “grease ice,” “nilas,” and ultimately free-floating sea ice; and, when temperatures rise, aging into “rotten” or “candle” ice before melting to begin the “ice cycle” again. Though the author neglects to note that water boils at 212 degrees only at sea level (and simplistically claims that it comes only in three states), she finishes off handsomely, listing types of terrestrial and marine ice (of which “new” sea ice alone has seven); explaining how floebits, floebergs, brash ice, and growlers are distinguished by their size ranges; defining numerous other special terms; then closing with leads to books, videos, and science projects. Bundled-up human figures in the pictures are rare and small but do show variations in skin color. (This book was reviewed digitally.)

A rewarding exploration of a common substance’s complex nature.

(Informational picture book/poetry. 7-9)