Hopping once again into the Captain’s Underpants, brothers Wilbur and Orville Riot return with more lame jokes and wild, goofy games. On “daily missions” that take them from chucking plastic bugs at each other and playing basketball with rolled-up dirty socks to declaring a “Dwitch Say” and wearing each other’s clothes, the two horse around at home, school and the local mall—“As soon as we got to the Gateway Shopping Mall, Mom went to one of those stinky lotion stores. Of course, it wasn’t called the Stinky Lotion Store, it was called the Smelly Slime Shop. Ha-ha!” What a pair of cards. Reined in by their mother, who isn’t above slipping a few plastic bugs into their food herself, the two do, at least, offer a happy picture of siblings getting along well, rather than squabbling or picking at each other. Lots of simply drawn cartoon vignettes add to the manic air, and along with such droll bons mots as “Life is boring when you’re not spying on someone,” the “rules” for many of the featured games are reprised at the end. A laugh Riot, with an obvious audience. (Fiction. 9-11)