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I'M NOBODY! WHO ARE YOU? by Mary Anderson



Pub Date: March 20th, 1974
Publisher: Atheneum

An insecure, lumpishly unattractive scholarship student sets out to make a friend of new girl Stephanie Ames and ends up in the thrall of a bitter, self-made psychic who threatens, ever so briefly, to pull her along in a plan to run away from the real world. Ellie Grogan's story thus has a little of everything from a peek at the world and wardrobes of Miss Chatham's rich girls school to time travel in old New York, and the switch from peer group adjustment to ESP expeditions injects a mild Rosemary's Babyish twist into an apparently predictable story. Unfortunately, Stephanie is a wishy washy mixture of best friend, witch and ""brain damaged"" neurotic, her supernatural expeditions will seem tame to most of today's readers, and the dialogue and setting just don't have the contemporary pizzazz needed to make this an entertaining shocker.