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YOU'RE IN GOOD PAWS by Maureen Fergus


by Maureen Fergus ; illustrated by Kathryn Durst

Pub Date: Sept. 10th, 2019
ISBN: 978-0-7352-6466-3
Publisher: Tundra Books

As one might expect, Leo is more than a little nervous about getting his tonsils removed—especially when his parents walk him past the children’s hospital and into the animal hospital!

“Are you sure we went in the right door?” Leo wonders nervously. But Dr. Stan the mouse is ready and waiting for him. Looking around the familiar hospital scene, Leo is not quite sure what to think. He’s joined in the waiting room by all kinds of critters, including a cat with a fishbowl stuck on its head, a blind bat, and even a boa who appears to have eaten several toys. From the waiting room Leo moves on to the exam room, where Leo is so cooperative that Nurse Lorraine, a cow, “call[s] him a good boy and [gives] him a vigorous ear skritch.” Leo proceeds safely through surgery and recovery in the animal hospital, even if he does wake up with a cone around his neck! Kids will feel comfort in knowing Leo’s journey is not much different than their own would be if they were getting their tonsils out too, and they will delight in poring over the detailed illustrations. With each read there is something new to find in the pictures, and the wry text makes it just as much fun for adults to read as it is for kids.

Perfect for any kid worried about a trip to the doctor—or the vet. (Picture book. 4-8)