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PAPA, PLAY FOR ME by Mickey with Hannibal Coons Katz



Publisher: Simon & Schuster

You're telling me you don't know from Mickey Katz? This I don't believe. Clarinestist Mickey Katz--who furnished the glug-glug sounds for Spike Jones' hoo-ha rendition of ""Cocktails for Two""? Comedian-singer Mickey Katz--who recorded those immortal English-Yiddish parodies entitled such as ""Borscht Riders in the Sky,"" ""Duvid Crockett,"" and ""Kiss of Meyer, Kiss of Fire""? Bandleader Mickey Katz--who toured the US and abroad with Betty Hutton and later with his own Borscht Capades, wherein son Joel Katz (now Joel Grey as in Cabaret) song-and-danced to stardom? Yes, that Mickey Katz, who, in between grandmother jokes and Jewish Texas stories, tells how it's been by him and his mishpochen . . . as if anybody who doesn't know that kreplach is ""Jewish ravioli"" is going to want to hear Mickey reprise so you shouldn't forget: ""When I look on you/It burns by me a fire/Come to Papa, bubele/And have a kiss from Meyer.