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GIANTS OF ELECTRICITY by Percy Dunsheath Kirkus Star



Pub Date: Aug. 14th, 1967
Publisher: Crowell

For scientifically alert teenagers, an excellent book of limited scope and considerable detail. Although restricted to the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century contributions to the field of electricity, the coverage is more thorough than in several other similar biographical attempts (e.g. Asimov, Breakthroughs in Science). In a historical context, Mr. Dunsheath presents interesting biographical accounts of the endeavors of thirteen major figures. What emerges is a drama of men rather than of removed, white-coated ""scientists,"" the image often created. Hardly recommended for immature or impatient readers, this is a real contribution to understanding on the Junior and senior high school level. (A rather brief but esoteric bibliography includes original scientific papers, some not available in English translation.)