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OUT OF PHAZE by Piers Anthony


by Piers Anthony

Pub Date: June 12th, 1987
ISBN: 0441977073
Publisher: Putnam

A continuation of Anthony's Apprentice Adept series about science-world Proton (whose surface is polluted and uninhabitable; rich, powerful Citizens and their serfs live in airtight domes) and its dimensionally connected counterpart, magic-world Phaze (ruled by Adepts and populated by shape-shifting unicorns, werewolves, vampires, and so forth). On Proton lives Mach, the state-of-the-art robot "offspring" of Citizen Blue and sexy robot Sheen. While introducing the beautiful Agape (an ameboid alien in human form) to Proton society, he accidentally makes contact with his Phaze counterpart, the Apprentice Adept Bane. They exchange minds. Mach, on Phaze in Bane's body, has little idea how to make magic or survive attacks by various monsters; he's rescued by the lovely unicorn Fleta. In Mach's body on Proton, Bane experiences difficulties too (he knows nothing about robots or science). Eventually, the persistent attacks on Mach and Bane prove to be the work of the Adverse Adept Purple (on Phaze) and Citizen Purple (on Proton); the Purples are plotting to bring together Proton's great computer and Phaze's great book of spells, and use both in conjunction to rule both Phaze and Proton. Light and fast-moving in the Anthony manner, and with some poignant moments—but too often dreadfully silly, and not nearly as inventive as the original Phaze/Proton yarns. Still, don't underestimate Anthony's popularity.