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Pub Date: June 28th, 1980
Publisher: Farrar, Straus & Giroux

Nutty, even farcical, but nice--you can't help but like Zan Hagen, fifth-grade sports freak, and her duffer friend Arthur Rinehart, whom she's determined to turn into some kind of athlete, no matter what! So when Zan sees a weight-lifter on TV, she decides that even Rinehart, with practice, can lift; and he, threatened with the loss of her friendship, complies--a task made easier because Zan cannily, empathically, starts him lifting his beloved potted ferns and even promises that she, who can do anything, will eventually make them bloom. As you might imagine, Rinehart takes satisfaction in his increasing prowess, and in a hilarious finale does indeed show up the class scoffers who've made his and Zan's life miserable. But the road to muscledom is strewn with groans and hugs--and Rinehart's triumph is complete only because, at that very moment, Zan is distracted by the sight of his ferns in bloom. A snappy preview to the later doings of this happily mismatched pair in Zanballer, Zanbanger, and Zanboomer.