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CHILDHOOD INJURY: A Common Sense Approach by

CHILDHOOD INJURY: A Common Sense Approach


Pub Date: Nov. 30th, 1977
Publisher: Stein & Day

Cuts, bruises, bites, burns, breaks, are a part of every child's life and, fortunately, as Dr. Shiller points out, they are rarely life-threatening events. So Dr. Shiller's general advice is eminently practical: comfort the child and assess the situation. In many cases you may be able to handle it yourself, thereby saving time, money, and the trauma of the emergency room. The book is slim and Shiller's advice to read it through once in the absence of disaster makes sense. For what he does is present an approach to accident, a kind of general practical guide on what to do and also on what preventive measures to take. (He is particularly insistent that drowning is preventable--almost invariably due to lack of parental supervision.) Where there is a real emergency--shock, unconsciousness, serious bleeding, lack of breathing, choking--he explains the immediate steps to be taken. Most of the book deals with the ordinary if painful problems--the sliver under the nail, the ankle sprain, chigger bites, the tooth that gets knocked out. (Surprise: some dentists can replace it if it is washed and reset within a short time.) The chapters are arranged anatomically and then according to type of injury. The doctor ends with a discussion of childhood hazards, safe and nonsafe toys, car safety, and preventable poisoning. The book is as clearly written as its advice is sensible. A worthy addition to the family medical shelf.