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THE BLACK ARTS by Richard Cavendish



Pub Date: March 21st, 1967
ISBN: 0399500359
Publisher: Putnam

The Kirdus staff is disenchanted. It seems that The Black Arts has just not got our number. We've subjected ourselves to the numerology chapter to find out what we're really like. Nothing jives. One member staggered out under the weight of adjectives like ""large-minded, visionary, idealistic. Romantic, passionate, impulsive, brilliant. . .strong-willed and determined, inspired and inspiring."" She's totally intimidated. Other more enterprising, scientifically minded individuals decided to test themselves in subsequent chapters by memorizing the Curse of the Chains,"" a guaranteed spirit-rouser, or putting the final touch on primitive pentagrams (charts and diagrams explicit in the book what she considers to be a philosopher's stone. The resident bridge addict has taken to the Tarot Cards and so it goes. The book's a history of the darker mysteries in which Mr. Cavendish obviously, firmly believes. And he's gone to a lot of trouble to turn it into a ""how-to"" item as well. Bewitched we're not but the black market is a large one.