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SELECTED POEMS by Robert P. Tristram Coffin



Pub Date: July 26th, 1955
Publisher: Macmillan

Report repeated from page 152 of the February 15th bulletin, as follows: ""Since the recent death of Tristram Coffin, this volume of his selected poems takes on a particularly timely memorial value. But it has intrinsic merit of its own. Without the poetic subtlety or deep philosophy of Robert Frost, Coffin nevertheless ranks next to him as the poet-laureate of New England and especially of Maine. His verse is simple and unaffected, his ardor for his native state deep and warm- which gives his work a very real appeal. Coffin's chief faults are a certain casualness, often almost a slovenliness of technique. But this carefully chosen volume puts between covers his best poems and does not present too many of them. It should have a good sale, regional as well as among 'middle-brow' poetry lovers.