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TALES BEFORE MIDNIGHT by Stephen Vincent Benet Kirkus Star



Pub Date: Nov. 2nd, 1939
Publisher: Farrar & Rinehart

Topranking among the storytellers, with a sentimental turn of yarn, here are some of Benet's recent crop, the historical, the modern, and the strictly apocryphal: i.e. the well loved Johnny Pye and The Fool Killer. A winning country doctor story of courage and integrity in the face of the hereafter, Doc Mcllhorn and The Pearly Gates; Into Egypt, a modern Nazi version of the Joseph-Mary-Jesus flight legend: an Irish fairy tale of no little humor; an American frontier story with a Jewish angle; a young boy branded by a scandal; etc. etc. A varied bag for anyone who wants a story for the story's sake, by a yarn-spinner de luxe.