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On a Roll

by Susan R. Stoltz ; illustrated by Melissa Bailey

Pub Date: March 15th, 2022
ISBN: 9780578935508
Publisher: Lyric & Stone

Steve, a dung beetle, explains the importance of his work to other animals in Stoltz’s picture book.

Young readers learn about the role that dung beetles play in helping our environment. As Steve rolls a ball of dung home, he meets an African elephant, a warthog, a spotted hyena, and other interesting African animals. Stoltz’s story clearly aims to appeal to curious young minds who want to learn about hardworking beetles and other compelling fauna on the African continent. The text is written in short but effectively fact-filled conversations between Steve and other animals as he works. As he rolls the waste, he spreads seeds to “plant trees and flowers,” he says. Readers also learn that dung beetles help “control the amount of flies and other insects that bite and annoy” warthogs. Later, a spotted hyena cheerfully tells Steve: “Your poo is out of control!” as Steve humorously tumbles down a hill. When Steve arrives home and consumes the “juicy” dung, another beetle declares: “What would we all do without you, Steve?” Bailey’s painterly illustrations are detailed, realistic, and full of color. The mandrill’s hues are vibrant, and its furry head crest is impressive; the distinctive scales of the pangolin are also lovely.

An informative, well-illustrated story that clarifies the key role of dung beetles in the natural world.