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MY WISH FOR TOMORROW by United Nations


Words and Pictures from Children Around the World

by United Nations

Pub Date: Sept. 1st, 1995
ISBN: 0-688-14455-1
Publisher: Morrow/HarperCollins

A vapid collection of pictures and wishes about peace and related topics (``I would wish for the ozone hole to close,'' ``I would like all cities to be designed for disabled people'') by children from 39 countries. The artwork, unlike the text, possesses some personality and imagination, but with a foreword by Nelson Mandela, an introduction by Boutros Boutros-Ghali, and an afterword by Kermit the Frog, this book was obviously created by a well- intentioned committee and made from the top down rather than from the bottom up. It may fare better on the coffee table than on the reading shelf. A portion of the proceeds from sales go toward UNICEF. (Picture book. 3+)