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by Victoria Forester

Pub Date: Oct. 27th, 2015
ISBN: 978-0-312-62600-6
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends

While no one knows everything, this follow-up volume to The Girl Who Could Fly (2008) has the same great premise as the first: that special gifts can be wonderful and also cause a peck of trouble.

Conrad Harrington III is supersmart, but he definitely doesn’t know what the future holds. Piper McCloud, the girl who could fly and the heroine of the first book, is back with her loving parents, who seem to gladly take on the whole crew of exceptional friends who met at evil Dr. Letitia Hellion’s school, where they were being treated to become “more normal.” Conrad’s work on a time-travel machine pays off in a crisis, and the group of gifted kids coalesces around the idea of using their special abilities to prevent disasters and rescue others in need. Unfortunately, this attracts attention, and Conrad’s mother, currently the first lady of the United States, arrives, saying Conrad’s sister is in peril, and only Conrad can save her. Conrad is off to the rescue, taking readers beyond science fiction and into fantasy as events unfold. Classic quest elements are present, as is the unending battle between good and evil. Forester provides plenty of action, engagingly spunky (if fairly two-dimensional) characters, and sufficient length to bring resolution to most elements of the plot, though sometimes at the expense of logic.

While critical thinkers may not find this particularly coherent, those willing to go with the flow will enjoy the ride.

(Fantasy. 9-13)