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TRAILER TRAVEL HERE AND ABROAD: The New Way to Adventurous Living by Wally Byam

TRAILER TRAVEL HERE AND ABROAD: The New Way to Adventurous Living


Publisher: McKay

Globe trotting is a passion most of us cannot indulge, but Wally Byam, with contagious enthusiasm, points one new- and still pioneer way- to do it- trailer travel. As founder of Airstream Trailers, he has lived through the years when trailers have come into their own. In the interests of helping others to know the hows- as well as the whys- of trailer travel, he organized ""Ambassadors on Wheels""-and has led trailer caravans, sometimes 65 or 70 at a clip- on some twenty odd caravans:- Mexico, Central America, Western Canada, Eastern Canada, Cuba, Europe, various See America First tours, Africa (the date line on his brief preface to this book is Addis Ababa, December 1959). The African trip has proved the most adventurous pioneering of them all, and in the Spring they complete it with the Near East, Turkey- and joining others for another European trek. Here are the stories of these experiences, the careful planning, the organizing, the delights and the mishaps, always the friends made. Here too are chapters on the advantages trailer travel offers over other forms of travel for those with adequate means (it involves not only the purchase of a trailer but a car), adequate time, and a sense of adventure. What trailer for you, the necessary equipment, how to get the best out of it, the techniques of preparation, the routine of caravanning, and the social and political values accruing to this sort of travel, for young as well as old. Almost he persuades me!