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WILD HORSES OF RAINROCK by William Marshall Rush Kirkus Star



Pub Date: Aug. 1st, 1951
Publisher: Longmans, Green

We regret noting that this book by the late Mr. Rush will be the last in a series of Western stories of cowboys and animals about which the author wrote with sound knowledge and understanding. This is the story of a determined, likeable young man, Dan Gordon, and his heartbreaking but ultimately successful attempts to ""tame"" both a beautiful wild mare and grim old Grant Fordon, his uncle. It was not until Dan had proved his stamina and comrage in breaking Pippin, the sorrel mare he had chosen from a wild band, that Grant relaxed the harsh treatment to which Dan had been treated on his uncle's G-G ranch. However, it is Dan who is responsible for easing the financial worries of the G-G, by some shrewd planning, the routing of two undesirable characters, and by hard work. Tough-sinewed, animal-kings and tangy talk.