With our 3-Book Bundle package for three books, each book in the bundle or series receives a separate review. The books submitted must be by the same author. About 250-300 words, our reviews include summary to give our readers context, along with a concise, unbiased opinion that can be positive, negative, or, most likely, mixed. Each Kirkus review gives both a general sense of a book’s worth and specific information about its strengths and weaknesses. No matter the outcome, you will have the option of keeping the review private and simply using the assessment as feedback to improve your craft. Otherwise, you can publish the review and use it to market your book to consumers or to try to catch the attention of a literary agent or publisher.

In regards to submitting a series, we strongly recommend that authors submit the first title in a given series so that our Indie reviewers can have the full context for the story or subject matter. We will attempt to assign all books in the series to the same reviewer but can make no guarantees.




1. Request reviews

Select the 3-Book Bundle option. When you submit your order, you’ll get an email from the Kirkus Indie team confirming receipt of your request.

2. Submit manuscripts

You’ll have the option of mailing two copies of each book to our editors (six books, total) or uploading PDFs or Word documents of your manuscripts. We’ll provide detailed instructions for you after you place your order.

3. Stand by while we review your three books

Upon receipt of your books or manuscripts, our editor will assign your project to a qualified reviewer who will read each book in its entirety and write full reviews (approximately 250-350 words) of all three books. Our reviewers include librarians, business executives, journalists from national publications, PhDs in religion and literature, creative executives in entertainment and publishing industries as well as other professional reviewers.

How we choose your reviewer(s): A Kirkus editor analyzes your series and considers its elements individually, including content, style, and voice. The editor matches your series with a reviewer (or reviewers) who has significant experience with and appreciates your series’ genre and topics.

4. Download reviews

Kirkus Indie will email you a link to your author dashboard when your first review and each subsequent review are ready. Simply click the link and download your review directly from our site.

5. Keep your reviews private or publish them for free on KirkusReviews.com

We’ll email you with a link when each review is ready to download. After you read your reviews, you will have the option to publish them on KirkusReviews.com, where they may be discovered by industry influencers, agents, publishers, and consumers. Our editors will also consider your reviews for publication in Kirkus Reviews magazine, where we include an average of 80 Indie reviews per month. You may keep your reviews private by simply not publishing them on our site. 

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