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Jaunty, artless dispatches from some very unusual skiing locales—Iran, northwestern China, Bolivia, etc.—by outdoor writer Finkel. The most outrageous skiing venues are Finkel’s chosen terrain, and as skiing is often an unknown activity thereabouts, he fancies himself part powderhound ambassador without portfolio, part merry prankster, forever trying to ignite a gag about the circumstances. It feels almost accidental that he also conveys a sense of the remote, or at least wild, landscapes he engages with, but he does, after a fashion: a roof-of-the-world herder’s encampment where he gives ski lessons to Kazakh horsemen; a flash down the snowcap of Kilimanjaro; the northern lights zapping his circuitry as he skis the night above Yellowknife; hairy tree-dodging on the diamond slopes of Mad River Glen in the Green Mountain State; testing the properties of friction on the PVC bristles in the Pentland Hills of Scotland, where people ski despite the absence of snow, and where his tumble “was relatively minor, though remarkably painful,” and “a vicious fall can not only leave permanent scars but also destroy a ski outfit.” Finkel doesn—t display a subtle intellect in his writing; he reports things as he sees them, which can be refreshingly without pretense and maddeningly ignorant, the result being ahistorical, decontextualized snapshots that suffer from frivolity when overexposed. His visit to the ski resorts north of Tehran is a rich opportunity to investigate the diverse culture of the slopes, but he squanders it with a litany of old jokes about Islamic restrictions. Then he will redeem himself with some straight reportage on snowboarding the verticalities—rock-strewn deeply crevassed 60-degree slopes—of Alaska’s Chugach range, or a disarming tale of off-piste powder runs in the north of Iceland. Finally, Finkel’s adventures, no doubt fertile ground for soul-stirring, life-changing episodes, come off as unadorned tomfoolery.

Pub Date: Nov. 1, 1999

ISBN: 1-55821-942-2

Page Count: 224

Publisher: Lyons Press

Review Posted Online: May 19, 2010

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Sept. 15, 1999

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A quirky wonder of a book.

A Peabody Award–winning NPR science reporter chronicles the life of a turn-of-the-century scientist and how her quest led to significant revelations about the meaning of order, chaos, and her own existence.

Miller began doing research on David Starr Jordan (1851-1931) to understand how he had managed to carry on after the 1906 San Francisco earthquake destroyed his work. A taxonomist who is credited with discovering “a full fifth of fish known to man in his day,” Jordan had amassed an unparalleled collection of ichthyological specimens. Gathering up all the fish he could save, Jordan sewed the nameplates that had been on the destroyed jars directly onto the fish. His perseverance intrigued the author, who also discusses the struggles she underwent after her affair with a woman ended a heterosexual relationship. Born into an upstate New York farm family, Jordan attended Cornell and then became an itinerant scholar and field researcher until he landed at Indiana University, where his first ichthyological collection was destroyed by lightning. In between this catastrophe and others involving family members’ deaths, he reconstructed his collection. Later, he was appointed as the founding president of Stanford, where he evolved into a Machiavellian figure who trampled on colleagues and sang the praises of eugenics. Miller concludes that Jordan displayed the characteristics of someone who relied on “positive illusions” to rebound from disaster and that his stand on eugenics came from a belief in “a divine hierarchy from bacteria to humans that point[ed]…toward better.” Considering recent research that negates biological hierarchies, the author then suggests that Jordan’s beloved taxonomic category—fish—does not exist. Part biography, part science report, and part meditation on how the chaos that caused Miller’s existential misery could also bring self-acceptance and a loving wife, this unique book is an ingenious celebration of diversity and the mysterious order that underlies all existence.

A quirky wonder of a book.

Pub Date: April 14, 2020

ISBN: 978-1-5011-6027-1

Page Count: 224

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Review Posted Online: Jan. 1, 2020

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Feb. 1, 2020

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The book is not entirely negative; final chapters indicate roads of reversal, before it is too late!

It should come as no surprise that the gifted author of The Sea Around Usand its successors can take another branch of science—that phase of biology indicated by the term ecology—and bring it so sharply into focus that any intelligent layman can understand what she is talking about.

Understand, yes, and shudder, for she has drawn a living portrait of what is happening to this balance nature has decreed in the science of life—and what man is doing (and has done) to destroy it and create a science of death. Death to our birds, to fish, to wild creatures of the woods—and, to a degree as yet undetermined, to man himself. World War II hastened the program by releasing lethal chemicals for destruction of insects that threatened man’s health and comfort, vegetation that needed quick disposal. The war against insects had been under way before, but the methods were relatively harmless to other than the insects under attack; the products non-chemical, sometimes even introduction of other insects, enemies of the ones under attack. But with chemicals—increasingly stronger, more potent, more varied, more dangerous—new chain reactions have set in. And ironically, the insects are winning the war, setting up immunities, and re-emerging, their natural enemies destroyed. The peril does not stop here. Waters, even to the underground water tables, are contaminated; soils are poisoned. The birds consume the poisons in their insect and earthworm diet; the cattle, in their fodder; the fish, in the waters and the food those waters provide. And humans? They drink the milk, eat the vegetables, the fish, the poultry. There is enough evidence to point to the far-reaching effects; but this is only the beginning,—in cancer, in liver disorders, in radiation perils…This is the horrifying story. It needed to be told—and by a scientist with a rare gift of communication and an overwhelming sense of responsibility. Already the articles taken from the book for publication in The New Yorkerare being widely discussed. Book-of-the-Month distribution in October will spread the message yet more widely.

The book is not entirely negative; final chapters indicate roads of reversal, before it is too late!  

Pub Date: Sept. 27, 1962

ISBN: 061825305X

Page Count: 378

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin

Review Posted Online: Oct. 28, 2011

Kirkus Reviews Issue: July 1, 1962

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