Ally Jay Curran

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Former “valeditzorian” Allison Beitel-Curran has worked as a pediatrician for the last ten years. During her early years of training, she conducted research in NYC and Salvador, Bahia, the city where she met her future husband and studied infectious diseases. Fortunately, he didn’t carry any of them. In medical school, and thereafter during her fellowship, she published several research articles and opinion pieces in medical journals (Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Pediatric Emergency Care, JAMA). In high school, several of her stories received awards from the National Council of Teachers of English. Another piece was later published in a collection of essays by medical students called Becoming Doctors.
Allison graduated summa cum laude from Yale University with a B.A. in biology. Thereafter she completed her medical school and residency training at Cornell University Medical College in New York. A fellowship in Pediatric Emergency Medicine was done at Children’s Hospital Boston. Currently, Allison resides in Cheshire, CT with her husband, three daughters, a hamster, and her ex-hippie parents.

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