A second appearance by Munroe Tallant (Tallant for Trouble, 1976), the huge, black, witty Commissioner of Police for the...



A second appearance by Munroe Tallant (Tallant for Trouble, 1976), the huge, black, witty Commissioner of Police for the Flamingo Islands somewhere in the Caribbean. His current problem is the rape-murder of a white lady tourist last seen diving in Flamingan waters--and then the murder (accidental death?) of her Flamingan-gigolo-boat-captain. The key, of course, is what she was diving for (a lost treasure ship?), so the investigation involves lots of map-reading, code-breaking, and diving, and a little history. Mystery-wise, this is at best routine, but Munroe and friends (his hotel-manager lady, his lovably despotic Prime Minister) are in the sure hands of old-pro Andrew York, with ingratiatingly low-key results.

Pub Date: Feb. 10, 1978


Page Count: -

Publisher: Doubleday

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Feb. 1, 1978

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