An antidote, at any rate, to the soppy, the cute, or the solemn--and some bona fide laughs from mouse Morris' literal-minded reaction to Santa Claus lore and Christmas customs. If Santa is coming ""late at night,"" why not expect him to ""to to SLEEP""? If stockings are hung by a crackling fireplace--""They must be wet,"" concludes Morris. ""They are hung up to dry."" There is some of the usual punning (Santa's reindeer ""You mean his SNOWDEER!""), as well as a modicum of clunkishness; but there's also an expression of the Christmas spirit in the invitation to chimney-and-stocking-less Morris and Boris, to share a family's holiday. And, given the least affection for the pair, you have to smile to see them under the mistletoe. Why doesn't Santa come in the door? Morris then asks. ""Is he afraid to get KISSED?