A trio of shortcoming is overcome in a story of Little League baseball that's one of Mr. Coombs' best. When Little League...



A trio of shortcoming is overcome in a story of Little League baseball that's one of Mr. Coombs' best. When Little League starts in Brookdale, young Ken who was once hit on the jaw by a ball, has his fear of the game, but he makes a bet with a Negro boy Amos, who feels a color prejudice, that they'll both make the team. When they do, they encourage their new coach Lefty, a big league pitcher ousted for unjustified causes, to regain his own heart for baseball and go back to his team. Field day.

Pub Date: March 15, 1954


Page Count: -

Publisher: Lantern

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: March 1, 1954

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