A frivolous entertainment follows the emotional escapades of Edward Wallingford and Constance, his young wife, as their...



A frivolous entertainment follows the emotional escapades of Edward Wallingford and Constance, his young wife, as their first months of marriage take them to Geneva where Edward does not find with Constance the sexual incentive he has had with other girls- particularly Angela. Constance, on the other hand, while appreciative that Edward is ""such a rock"" finds something softer in Pierre- the brother of the housekeeper of their neighbor Carlos, and now their chauffeur. Constance decides to marry Pierre but postponing the admission to Edward, the three leave for England where Pierre, in a moment of petulant pride, bares the past and turns on Edward- with a poker. Edward almost dies, and both Constance and Pierre are tried but cleared when Edward comes to their defense, Constance follows Pierre back to Europe, and Edward has Angela in devoted attendance... Kicking up some only slightly rounded heels, this is saucy and skittish.

Pub Date: N/A


Page Count: -

Publisher: Little, Brown

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: June 15, 1955

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