These are the Democrats since their origin under Jefferson and these are the caste marks of spirit and belief which they...



These are the Democrats since their origin under Jefferson and these are the caste marks of spirit and belief which they continue to wear. The history of the Democratic Pary of necessity so closely parallels the total political growth of this country that, reading the book, one sometimes loses sight of the underlying patterns, which emerge. Yet it grows clear that the Democrats formed initially a protest against Hamiltonian finance. This protest was later epitomized by Jackson, partly because of his stand on the Bank and nullification issues, but especially because of his identification with the poorer classes and social progress. The Democrats, who commenced with opposition to Hamilton, came to oppose all restrictions, and finally signified, by policy and personality, a free, forward-looking government-for-the-people attitude. Roosevelt, with his CCC and WPA programs, became the apotheosis of this tradition. Neither scholarly nor glib, the book has faults: it is too ""fair-minded"" and searching where it calls for a flat, biased, declarative statement; similarly, it is too chatty and happily tangential where it should atomize concepts. A useful item for the politically conscious -- and unconscious, this will have its chance with the intellectual serious element during the election year and it should be in line for continuing sales.

Pub Date: April 17, 1956


Page Count: -

Publisher: Putnam

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: April 1, 1956

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