A smoothly written (if occasionally sentimental) portrayal of an orphaned girl from a once distinguished Russian family...



A smoothly written (if occasionally sentimental) portrayal of an orphaned girl from a once distinguished Russian family whose quest for independence and love force her into unsatisfying employment as a governess, a thwarted love affair, and a deeply unhappy marriage. Antonina is a segment of a four-volume novel (The Niece, 1851) published, then as now, as a separate work. Its shape and details will remind many readers of more fully achieved contemporary fictions such as David Copperfield and Jane Eyre, but the intensity with which Tur, the leading Russian woman writer in the mid-19th century, analyzes her heroine's embattled, resilient emotions makes it very readable.

Pub Date: Dec. 1, 1996


Page Count: 154

Publisher: Northwestern Univ.

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Nov. 15, 1996

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