Have we in the offing the threat of a deluge of books on the Soviet regime in China, comparable to the Russian deluge? If so, here is the opening wedge in the flood gate, a thoroughly workmanlike job of presenting a comprehensive picture of the situation. The historical background and basis on which the Communistic Party of Central China has built is given; the career of the Chinese Red Army, in spite of inadequate equipment amazingly successful, is outlined, and the organization of a worker's government is shown as an established thing. The material is presented with almost too much detachment. One could wish for a little more sparkle and fire. But at least the reader is given the facts and may draw his own conclusions as to whether Communism is likely to take permanent root in China, and if so in what form, and how this will effect the foreign relations of China. An essential book for anyone who would be up to date on international matters, and for all interested in the spread of Communism in the Orient. Frazier Hunt's This Bewildered World touches on the subject. A Chinese Testament indicates it. This is the only book concentrating wholly on the situation from all angles.