The failing heart of a father seems to be a popular device this season for catapulting teen age heroines into the world of...



The failing heart of a father seems to be a popular device this season for catapulting teen age heroines into the world of adult responsibility. As it is with Brenda who becomes a buyer (P. 507), so it is with petite Joanna Weber, whose plans for college are frustrated when her father suddenly is taken ill. Joanna takes a retailing job, is fascinated by the intricacies of the department store world, sees her collegiate beau for the child he really is, and looks forward to a life which combines both work and school geared around the retail trade. There is a slightly somber atmosphere in this story which is not apparent in Brenda Becomes a Buyer, an atmosphere which is, after all, compatible with the fictional circumstances. And through the resolution of Joanna's dilemma is less romantic than Brenda's, it is a valid one and quite suitable to the preceding events. A routine story which has something of interest to say to career minded teen-agers.

Pub Date: Sept. 1, 1960


Page Count: -

Publisher: Macrae-Smith

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Sept. 1, 1960

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