Alexander Woollcott is advertized as saying ""I am going quietly mad over Lost Horizon"", -- etc. This -- plus the new push given by the English award may start the ball colling. We liked the book immensely a year ago, and, for the benefit of these who were not subscribing to this service at that time, and who may have missed the book, we venture to repeat the review. ""A strangely absorbing and fascinating story of a lost Englishman, Hugh Conway, of the Consular Service in India. It is a story within a story -- an adventure in time and space, in the course of which Conway and three fellow travelers are captured for the purpose of further experimentation in certain theories of longevity practised successfully in a remote lamasery of the Tibetan mountains. there is somewhat the atmosphere of The Green Goddess, which George Arliss popularized on stage and screen some years ago, and combined with that, there is a spiritual force and an underlying philosophy that carries the reader's imagination beyond the scope of the book. Not a book for everyone. Try it with those who liked A Man Named Luke.