In a charming new edition of a favorite nursery tale, Brett closely follows the traditional text used by Leslie Brooke with...



In a charming new edition of a favorite nursery tale, Brett closely follows the traditional text used by Leslie Brooke with only a few updatings (the bears no longer open their bedroom window in the morning), embellishments (nuts and honey in the porridge), and emendations (the bears walk in the woods ""while the porridge was cooling,"" a simplification of ""that they might not burn their mouths by beginning too soon to eat it""). Brett's now-familiar use of Eastern European folk motifs and decorative borders is well-suited to the story, and employed very much in Brooke's spirit: the cosy forest home is furnished with belongings decorated with bees, berries, sunflowers, and all manner of things pertaining to bears. The softer-toned borders emulate carved wood and incorporate amplyifing vignettes; in addition, they include an enchanting series of mice, who also coexist peaceably with the bears in the brightly colored illustrations and, in fact, are shown on the title page as the diminutive artists who have reproduced themselves in wood. This sumptuously detailed world provides the background for a Goldilocks with flaxen braids and for precisely characterized bears that are largeand solid enough to inspire delicious awe. Perfect to share with individual or group, this belongs on everyone's list.

Pub Date: Nov. 1, 1987

ISBN: 039922033X

Page Count: -

Publisher: Dodd, Mead

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Oct. 15, 1987

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