Buchan has as staunch a following as Halliburton (see above) and no two could be more strikingly different. Buchan's death has left a vacancy not readily filled. This book, though not a conventional autobiography, manages to convey a sense of his spirit, his quality. ""A journal of certain experiences..rebuilt out of memory""--pausing here and there through the years to record fully the impressions of men, of places, which are most significant. It is an unusual book, as cultivated and contemplative as the life it reflects. Noticeable is his appreciation of the outdoors -- his sense of beauty -- his faculty for highlighting personalities, among them many of the ""great and the near-great"" of literature, politics, diplomacy. One follows the career of an eminent personality, the man himself, from Oxford, as student of philosophy, to London as a lawyer, to South Africa as administrator, an idealist who recognized what imperialism at its best could signify, back to England as an author and an active member of Parliament, finally to Canada as Governor General. His interests were multiple--his gift for sharing them rare.