A story of Old Russia -- almost wholly detached from any vital problems of race hates and politics, though the psychological relations of the Jews and their military overlords supplies part of the basic significance of the village reactions to Anya's departure from the Jewish traditions. The period is the mid 19th century. Anya is an only daughter, in a prosperous village home. She rides rough shod over the rules imposed on unmarried girls, she gives full away to the ruling forces of her senses and passions, she flaunts her indifference to her betrothal vows by riding with a Russian officer and play fast and loose (within the narrow margin of safety) with the village wastrel. Later, she uses marriage to cloak her amours, returning from Odessa to her home, after each betrayal, until seven glorious months on the road with the love of her youth ends in his death, and her attaining peace for her old age. It is a strange book; it is as essentially Jewish as Magnolia Street with all its emphasis on the mores; it is not a book for the conservatives, though it is, oddly enough, never gloatingly lascivious.