Who hops?"" asks newcomer Davis to her very young audience in this sharp introduction to the animal world. Frogs do, and also rabbits and kangaroos and cows. Cows? Well, no: ""Cows moo and give milk, but they don't hop!"" So it goes, through creatures that fly, slither, swim, and crawl, with each section suggesting three of the usual suspects, and one odd man out: anteaters swim? giraffes crawl? Davis rarely uses more than two words per page (except when explaining why the wrong choice is wrong), and her images are extremely simple, but recognizably familiar. They are also painted in Day-Glo bright colors that can be seen from the back of the room, without the edge such fluorescence usually radiates. Davis closes her book with a sweet conceit: ""Who hops and flies and slithers and swims and crawls? You do!"" There follows the most active page in her story, with kids doing all of the aforementioned, even flying, on a swing. A potential story-hour favorite, with all the grace notes just right.