This professional football player's long year (not to be confused for literary worth with The Long Season) records with no rah-rah and a lot of realism the ""road from idealism to cynicism"" travelled in 1962. The former All-American from Utah who was with the Giants from 1959 to 1962 had problems with Allie Sherman, was given the ""scream"" treatment in 1961 to be followed by the ""silent"" treatment in 1962 before finally, after weeks on the bench, he was traded to Minnesota, then to the Titans. The Titans had as bad a year as Grosscup; the team was in bad financial and physical shape; Crosscup had a good deal of trouble with an injury; and by the end of a dismal season, about all they had managed to do was to set records for other teams.... This doesn't give quite the whole story (others will have a different reason for Crosscup's difficulties), but it is a day by day, play by play account- a generally scrappy scrimmage which calls most of the penalties in a pro football player's short, hard life.