A story of survival against incredible obstacles, this first hand experience of the American General captured after close to a month evading the North Koreans, alone, without food or water or shelter mont of the time. It is an adventure story that would read like fiction, and be shrugged aside as impossible. Today, as a true experience, it is a great tribute to the fortitude and endurance and spirit of one man. Then follows the years as a lone prisoner, never turned over to the Chinese for transfer to a prison camp, but held, under guard, questioned hours on end, threatened with torture, restricted to starvation rations -- or at best the rations of the undernourished Korean guards- allowed no exercise, other than what he sneaked, cheated of normal variations in sitting, standing, lying down. With the appearance of an Australian correspondent who had been won over to Communism, Dean's situation improved materially, and the alteration probably saved his life and his sanity. This is an amazingly detailed and complete recall, down to the give and take of interrogation, the names and individualities of his captors, tormentors and guards. Implicit in the record is his own undeviating faith in the democratic way of life, his determination to learn what makes the other side think and act as it does, his realization of the inadequacies of preparation, ideologically, on the American side, where our way of life is taken completely for granted. Parts of the story appeared in the S.E.P.