In this combative and highly polemical brief work, the author indicts the state of Israel for the ""de-Judaization"" of its Jewishness and its rule by a minority, European-oriented community. Acting out of self-hate, the descendant of the eastern Pale persecutes and scorns the majority ""Oriental"" community of Jews from the Middle East and Africa because their present is reminiscent of the former's despised past. Violently anti-Zionist, the book upholds the autonomy of the Jewish communities abroad and advocates the ""orientalization"" of Israel in order to facilitate a detente with the Arab world. Denying none of the material achievements of modern Israel, the author belittles its claim to be a truly Jewish state. Rather, effective Judaism is being practiced by the Jewish ""nationality"" in such nations as the United States. Looking ahead, the author predicts the growth of ""cultural genocide"" against the Oriental Jew and the waning of bonds between the Diaspora and the state of Israel. Mr. Selzer, in spite of hurried arguments, use of selective evidence, and a combative zealotry, will undoubtedly find an opposition readership.