allico, probably as versatile in his choice of subjects as he is popularly acile in their handling, now manages some suspense in a good-humored story of psychic henomena and more real and present dangers. Alexander Hero, a British ghost-breaker nd investigator, comes to New York to investigate the manifestations in a house on lst Street. A cyberneticist, Professor Constable, of great importance to the national effort, has been given a wax impression, with fingerprints, of his dead daughter's hand during a seance. This may be the means of ultimately persuading constable to defect (i.e., a Communist cell in the ectoplasm). Hero, using a seudonym, attends the seances, has an unsettling session with a spirit bride whom e later finds only too real, and his further inquiries lead on to murder before he an successfully ""decontaminate"" the professor...Some not too ghastly ghostly business, and the readership will certainly materialize.