England in the 14th Century, is the years preceding the Black Death, in the colorfully detailed backdrop of minstrels'...



England in the 14th Century, is the years preceding the Black Death, in the colorfully detailed backdrop of minstrels' adventures. Ten year old Redcap, a village smith's son has a long lost minstrel uncle, Red Eric, and so when Redcap is given the opportunity to go as apprentice with three wandering minstrels, his own family background makes their escapades the more meaningful. Rich as it is- with atmosphere, songs and stories to round out a marvellous picture of England at the time- this will interest the 12 - 16 group too. Excellent companion reading for some of Rosemary Butcliffe's books.

Pub Date: March 22, 1954


Page Count: -

Publisher: Houghton, Mifflin

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: March 1, 1954

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