The ""mirror"" is a lop-sided one, the distinction is dubious, in the view of American life in odd postures, all designed to...


SPORT: Mirror of American Life

The ""mirror"" is a lop-sided one, the distinction is dubious, in the view of American life in odd postures, all designed to present us as a sports loving nation, universal (?) Frank Merriwell addicts. Boyle wanders in diverse directions;- the rise, growth and status symbol of country clubs; the fantastic development of the hot rod passion, from coast to coast- but with California still pre-eminent; the emergence of colored ball players in the big leagues; the expanding interest of Americans in acquisition of sporting goods. Boyle even does a psychological take on why American play- for fun or personal glory? Probably some readers will relish most of all his spoof on The Game (naturally, between Harvard and Yale). The market for this is an odd cross section of those with a nostalgic concern in sport per se- and those who are seeking various facets of American life on a sociological plane.

Pub Date: Nov. 5, 1963


Page Count: -

Publisher: Little Brown

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Nov. 1, 1963

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